Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Essentials of Winter Skin Care for Black Women | All Black Woman

Jimmie Eyes by jpackphoto
Most of us notice an improvement in our skin during the summer months we look more radiant and the skin is supple, but as the leaves begin to fall so does our radiance. Winter is extremely harsh on our skin, that’s subjected to cold winds, dry air and smoggy rains. This black woman’s essential guide to winter skin care is going to walk you though the necessities for great skin all throughout winter.

Extra Moisture
As it gets colder the air gets dryer and robs the skin of moisture. It is important to switch to richer moisturizer during winter and increase the frequency of application whenever possible. Moisturizers vary largely in price and studies have often shown that the pricier products are usually not much better than those of high street brands.

Cool Showers
Long, hot showers in winter feel heavenly but the high water temperature only serves to dry the skin. It’s best to shower in luke warm water, reduce the temperature gradually if you really can’t imagine parting with steaming hot showers.
Gentle Body Wash
Choose a body wash or soap that will not strip the skin of all its moisture, here is an article detailing ingredients to be avoided in beauty products. Alternatively if you don’t have the time to hunt out the best product find the baby section of the super market and purchase baby care as it contain a lot less chemicals, is gentle and less drying for the skin.
Go Natural
Go all out for natural ingredients – Black skin is quite sensitive so don’t let harsh ingredients touch it. Green tea, grape seed, citrus fruits, jojoba, sage, rosemary, aloe vera, virgin coconut oil and olive oil are just some of the safe ingredients to use.

Sun Protection
Use sun protection even in winter as although the sun’s warming effect is limited UV rays are still quite aggressive with the skin. The face and hands are the most exposed, you may feel cold but your skin is still exposed to the aging effects of direct sunlight.

Eat Right
A balanced diet is crucial to maintaining healthy skin at any time of year. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and avoid caffeine-filled beverages and alcohol which dry out the skin. At the same time avoid sugar, excess of salt and greasy food.Drink a lot of water to rehydrate the skin and replenish the bodies loss of water. Water flushes out the toxins from your body so the more you drink the better.

Get the blood pumping
Exercise not only makes your body look great, but it also helps your skin. The more you sweat, the more toxins and waste products are excreted. Exercise also helps to keep the skin firm. Regularly exercise will increase circulation and revives your skin, making it healthy and bright.

Be Gentle
Be gentle with your skin, black women have sensitive skin so be kind to yourself especially during winter when the skin can become easily dry and irritable. by All Black Women in Health and Beauty

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