Friday, December 30, 2011

Turkey Bacon and Sprouts Quesadilla courtesy of tastepantry

Post image for Turkey Bacon and Sprouts Quesadilla

I used to be a quesadilla purist, if there is such a thing. Just perfectly melted mexican cheese smothered inside a still soft flour tortilla.
But over the years, my feelings on the matter have changed a bit (probably because there are just too many ways to make cheese + flat bread = amazing). Obviously, the cheese and tortilla still need to be cooked right, but I’m a big fan of stuffing my quesadillas full of tasty ingredients and changing up the cheeses and “tortillas”.

One of my favorite things about using thicker flatbreads for quesadillas is that you can get the outside slightly crispy and still have the inside of the bread soft. It’s really the best of both worlds.

Quesadillas are a standby in our house, because they’re super quick, ultra kid-friendly, and above all else, tasty as hell.

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